Testimonials:Covis Pharma

Founded in 2011, Covis Pharma is a global specialty pharmaceutical company that markets therapeutic solutions in over 50 countries.

With a mission to transform untapped potential into global medical therapies, Covis Pharma addresses life-threatening conditions and chronic illnesses .

If you have been using email to manage your artwork and packaging projects, you will very closely relate to what the Covis Pharma team experienced. For years, product launches and lifecycle amends for their products were managed through individual mailboxes and PDF annotations shared by email exclusively.

Easy, friendly and professional artwork management an opportunity because it tool that is a game changer for each business model

Magdalena Dzierzon
Global Artworks Manager

Twona in one word:

This presented multiple challenges - not only limitations of file sizes and lack of traceability of attachments, notes and instructions, but also a complete lack of control or visibility for other departments involved in the process.

In turn, this work process often led to miscommunications and delays. Seeking to enhance their artwork management process, the Covis team

partnered with Twona to streamline operations and achieve greater transparency.

These are some of the critical issues that the team wanted to solve:

  • Ensuring clear, consistent input from various departments to minimize rework.

  • Achieving transparency in the artwork process.

  • Realize a more efficient process, reducing the time and resources spent on artwork development.