XGen Pharmaceuticals DJB (XGen) is a family & woman-owned manufacturer of generic medicines, headquartered in New York, with over 50 years of experience in the market. Their strategy is to build a portfolio of past-patent products, still essential to the healthcare community. They aim to introduce 3 to 5 new products into their portfolio, yearly. For this dynamic approach to work, XGen needed to step up their game, move their Artworks away from a local machine and discontinue their flawed approval process, where mismanagement of tracked artwork was prevalent.

XGen started using Twona AMS in 2017 to manage a complex artwork management process, which includes close to 20 steps from briefing to obtaining an approved version. Their Artwork approval process includes steps for (internal) regulatory and quality checks, but also FDA approvals.

Because there were so many stakeholders involved, and their structure was lacking a solid tool that could handle their approval process, it happened often that multiple revisions/versions would be confused. This potential risk to the quality and adequacy of the materials that they would be put in the market stopped when they moved into using Twona.

The tool has granted the various teams a much clearer processing and tracing of their materials,

and allows them to keep the communication around the artworks easily organized.

Twona gives XGen the power to always have knowledge about where they are in the process and what the current approved files are, without needing to be in the office for that - this was a major pitfall in the way they worked before.

The instructors were very experienced (in my actual field) and understood the personal issues I was having with the current process - Anthony Montanarella, Senior Graphic Designer at XGen Pharmaceuticals DJB

In terms of daily operations, XGen is supported by a customer success manager. This person accompanies the clients during the onboarding phase, making sure the company’s processes are adjusted to the tool, and also provides training and post-launch assistance.

XGen is currently familiar and comfortable using Twona, a tool that they are thankful for and they consider essential to their work results. “While there may be a bit of a learning curve in the beginning, it's absolutely beneficial and worth any of the effort put in” - Anthony Montanarella,
Senior Graphic Designer at XGen Pharmaceuticals DJB