Ingredient information on food packaging

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There are some basic elements that always must appear on a food product’s label/packaging:

  • Name of the product and manufacturer’s details
  • Ingredients
  • Weight, calorie count, servings & serving size
  • Nutritional information
  • Freshness – is it a fresh product, recently produced or harvested or how has it been preserved, and what is its best-before date
  • Whether it is organic or not and does it have any GMOs – generally modified organisms – present in the product?

When it comes to the ingredients, these are expected to appear listed from highest to lowest according to their amount, but there is not always a clear explanation on when the percentage of the ingredient needs to be shown on the label. This, however, is of high importance for consumers so they can make informed decisions about the products they purchase and consume.

This information is typically required by regulatory agencies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in Europe or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, to ensure that consumers are provided with accurate and relevant information.

But why is this so important?

Having the ingredient percentage on food labels helps consumers understand the nutritional content of the product. For instance, knowing that a product contains a high percentage of sugar would be useful for those who are trying to limit their sugar intake.

More importantly, information about the percentage of whole grains or allergen substances such as peanuts or gluten can also be critical for individuals with dietary restrictions or allergies.

In addition to nutritional and allergen content, the percentage of ingredients used can also impact the overall quality and taste of the product. Take for instance a product that contains a high percentage of filler ingredients. Its flavour or texture may differ from that of one that contains a higher percentage of high-quality ingredients.

By providing information about the percentage of ingredients used, consumers can make more informed decisions about the products they buy and determine which products best meet their needs and preferences.

Furthermore, when a product’s packaging uses an image that depicts a certain ingredient, the label must clearly indicate the percentage of that ingredient used in the product. This is because images can be misleading and give consumers the impression that a product is something that it is not really. Imagine that you place a picture of juicy strawberries on a carton of strawberry yogurt, but it mostly originates from a concentrate juice that contains only a small percentage of fresh strawberry. By indicating the percentage of the ingredient used on the label, the consumer is given a more accurate representation of what they can expect of the product.

Products where, unless the percentage of an ingredient is mentioned, a user could fail to distinguish them from other foods, must certainly have it showing in their labels.

Another reason for the requirement of ingredient percentage information is to ensure that products are properly labeled and marketed. If the ingredient appears in the name of the product, very much so! For example, if a product claims to be “whole grain,” , “light” or “low-fat”, the label should indicate the percentage of whole grain ingredients used/ percentage of fat or calories that are reduced so consumers can be sure they are getting the product they expect.

As seen, there are various reasons – regulatory and not – why including information on the amount of each ingredient in your product is relevant. The fact that some of these are not mandatory, makes it a hard decision sometimes as your product label are in general already quite full, and the font sizes are already small so adding more information only makes it harder. However, the decision to include them can have a competitive advantage for you when customers are comparing seemingly similar products. Nowadays there are alternative to traditional labeling to help you, and your designers, be more creative about what comes where in the packaging – think of peel labels, or QR codes, which can take some of the load of the information.

Deciding what stays visible and what is “hidden” behind those techniques is a different matter… how would you make that decision??

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Post that inspired this article

European Food labeling rules

Packaging perspective correction (with your phone)

Perspective Correction Algorithm for Cell Phone Photography

Image with Midjourney

Cell phone photography has become increasingly popular in industrial and business applications in recent years, with the increase in resolution, accuracy and connectivity. One of the biggest challenges with cell phone photography when applied to Quality Control is correcting the perspective of an image. This is especially important when comparing a master design file with a printed a packaging material. A perspective correction algorithm can be used to address this issue.

The perspective correction algorithm is a software-based solution that adjusts the perspective of an image to make it look as though it was taken from a straight-on angle (thus, correcting the perspective distortion). This is achieved by identifying key points in the image, such as the corners or the edges of a packaging material, and adjusting the image to align these points. The process follows a set of determined steps:

  • Extract key points on both the design and the photo
  • Match those points to identify corredpondance
  • Calculate the required transformation
  • Modify the photography according to the calculated parameters to obtain a corrected image

The use of a perspective correction algorithm is especially important when overlaying a cell phone photo on a packaging design. This can be particularly useful when comparing a master design file (the artwork) with a photography taken with a cellphone of the printed material before it goes into full production. Being able to identify wether the approved master artwork corresponds exactly with the printed material helps reduce (or even eliminate) the risk of printing a packaging material from an un-approved or modified version. This sometimes happens when a stakeholder takes the liberty to modify an artwork for technical reasons and by mistake, something else goes amiss.

Content-based quality checks on printed packaging are crucial to avoid product recalls.

Every Quality Person in the world

There are industrial applications that involve in-line high resolution cameras to compare printed materials with master files. However, they are usually applied for Quality Control on already approved files. Therefore, being able to check before giving the green light for production on a print proof file has tremendous value, specially for highly regulated environments.

If you want to know more about how the perspective correction algorithm works, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to chat with you. In the meantime, just to prove this is possible and valuable, you can see how the algorithm works with a really difficult case.

3 claves para el Rebranding de tu marca

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La organización de la información es fundamental en cualquier proyecto, especialmente en un rebranding de packaging. Una buena gestión de la información asegurará un proceso eficiente, sin errores y con un resultado de calidad. La creación de documentos de apoyo fundamentales para tener éxito en un rebranding son:

  • Procedimiento/s de diseño
  • Template/s
  • Documento/s de calidad

Un template es una herramienta que permite a los diseñadores tener recursos claros y precisos sobre las especificaciones de diseño para una categoría de producto. Este documento deberá incluir detalles como el tamaño, la posición de los elementos y los colores corporativos. Debemos crear tantos templates como tipo de producto vaya afectar al rebranding, si habláramos de la industria farmacéutica serían uno de envase, otro de prospecto y otro para los aluminios por ejemplo.

Un procedimiento detallado es otro documento importante que debe ser creado en la fase inicial del proyecto. Este documento explicará cómo se deben realizar las tareas y los pasos necesarios para lograr un resultado final exitoso. Además, el procedimiento también ayudará a evitar errores y a asegurar que todas las tareas se realicen de manera consistente. De nuevo el orden de dicho documento nos facilitará su uso, no debe ser una descripción del proceso, sino una síntesis de la información fundamental ordenada en capítulos para resolver el “puzzle” o diseño. De nuevo debe hacer tantos procedimientos como tipología de productos.

El documento de calidad es un registro de todas las especificaciones y requisitos necesarios para garantizar un resultado de alta calidad. Este documento debe incluir todos los detalles fundamentales para la aprobación del diseño y será más eficiente en la medida de que seamos capaces de condensar la información en capítulos para centrarnos en una zona o sección del diseño. Un ejemplo reducido de un algunos detalles a considerar en un envase de un medicamento podrían ser:

  • Tipo de archivo (Ai, PDF?)
  • Colores (Pantone +, máximo número de colores)
  • Márgenes
  • Detalles corporativos y logos
  • Braille
  • Revisión de Textos
  • Códigos (EAN, laetus, datamatrix, ….)

Todos estos documentos de apoyo deben generarse en una primera fase, donde se diseñan una muestra de los productos a modificar. Estos modelos servirán de base para el resto de los productos, y garantizarán una continuidad, consistencia u homogeneización en el diseño.

En resumen, la creación de documentos de apoyo es fundamental en un proyecto de rebranding de packaging. Estos documentos asegurarán un proceso eficiente, sin errores y con un resultado de calidad por lo que se debe invertir el tiempo y atención necesaria en su creación además de las pertinentes pruebas de uso para detectar repeticiones innecesarias así como detalles omitidos.

AMS Twona NeXT 200mg digital pills

Image with Midjourney

Twona NeXT – Artwork Management System

Directions for use: Full implementation of Twona NeXT Artwork Management System is recommended for all stakeholders in your organization.


For optimal results, it is recommended that you fully implement Twona NeXT as your Artwork Management System. This means integrating Twona NeXT into all your processes, training all stakeholders in its use, and utilizing its features to streamline and optimize your artwork management processes.

Risks of not using Twona NeXT

Continuing to work in the traditional way can result in sub-optimal processes, prolonged time-to-market, excessive working hours, messy file folders, untraceable processes, non-compliant systems, and a lack of preparedness for external audits. These risks can lead to decreased efficiency, reduced productivity, and increased risk for your organization.


Failing to implement a digital Artwork Management System such as Twona NeXT can result in a lack of visibility and control over your artwork management processes, leading to decreased efficiency and increased risk. By fully integrating Twona NeXT into your organization, you can streamline and optimize your processes, improve collaboration, and ensure compliance.

It is important to carefully follow the recommended dosage and to fully integrate Twona NeXT into your organization for optimal results. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of Twona NeXT, please consult with your Artwork Management System specialist.

Puntos clave para tu Guía de Estilo en la industria farmacéutica

Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

El packaging es un aspecto fundamental en el sector farmacéutico, ya que es el elemento de comunicación más directo y visual con el consumidor. Por eso, es importante tener una guía de estilo bien definida para el diseño de los envases de los productos farmacéuticos.

La importancia de tener una guía de estilo específica para un país concreto

La guía de estilo debe ser creada por diseñadores que conozcan el sector y sus normativas, para garantizar que el packaging cumpla con todos las regulaciones en materia de seguridad y salud respecto a un país concreto. Es cierto que muchas veces la guía de estilo es un documento que aplica a nivel europeo y esto puede ser un problema por varias razones. Comparto algunos ejemplos de incoherencias que he encontrado en los 20 años que llevo diseñando packaging farmacéutico, en particular productos genéricos:

  • Documento en inglés con normas difíciles de aplicar cuando tu texto en lugar de “pills” se debe implementar: comprimidos recubiertos con película EFG.
  • Disposición de elementos en contra de la normativa del país, por ejemplo posición del código nacional en una posición que la normativa prohibe explícitamente.
  • Normas de diseño no posibles por normativa cómo diferentes atributos en la fuente del nombre cuando se exige que el nombre debe ser una unidad respecto a tamaño de fuente y formato.
  • Disposición de logos y aspectos visuales corporativos en detrimento de información respecto a contenido u otros elementos más importantes.
  • Disposición de elementos visuales solamente posibles en otros paises o ignorando pautas obligatorias respecto a la normativa vigente.

Si te has enfrentado a una guía de estilo generalmente bastante amplia, creada por marketing o una agencia con experiencia en otros sectores, te habrás encontrado con la frustración que supone intentar seguir una guía que no cumple normativa o que no da alternativas. Una solución es un anexo a dicha guía de diseño con las particularidades de un país en concreto.

El orden es fundamental

Photo by Clayton Robbins on Unsplash

Una buena guía de estilo es una herramienta valiosa que ayuda a los diseñadores y departamento de calidad a crear y revisar respectivamente los materiales para que sean coherentes, eficaces y cumplan con las regulaciones y requisitos necesarios. Además, una guía de estilo bien organizada asegura que el proceso de diseño y revisión sea más eficiente y que los errores sean mínimos.

La organización por tipo de producto es fundamental en la guía de estilo, ya que cada envase requiere un tratamiento específico en cuanto a su diseño y presentación. Una buena guía de estilo debe tener secciones dedicadas a envases blister, envases verticales, aluminios, viales, entre otros. Por ejemplo, un envase tipo blister requiere una tipografía clara y legible, mientras que un envase para viales necesita un diseño más compacto y que aproveche al máximo el espacio disponible.

Es fundamental que la guía esté estructurada de manera clara y sencilla, de modo que sea fácil de seguir y consultar. De esta manera, los diseñadores y departamentos de revisión cómo marketing o calidad pueden acceder a la información relevante de manera ágil y eficiente. Esto evitará errores y re-diseños innecesarios, y permitirá acelerar el proceso.

Actualización con el mercado

Otro detalle a tener en cuenta es la falta de actualización a lo largo del tiempo dado que un documento tan extenso y que supedita tantos detalles no se actualiza anualmente obviamente, pero si debe tener en cuanta los cambios de normativa y ser suficientemente orgánico para poder generar un anexo útil. Un ejemplo relativamente cercano puede ser la serialización. ¿Hace cuánto fue ese proyecto? ¿Se ha actualizado tu guide line al respecto?. Es cierto que dicho proyecto no va afecta a todos los diseños, pero si la etiqueta que debes incluir en tu envase esta sobre un texto no duplicado sabes que tu diseño será rechazado.

Resumiendo, si quieres que el trabajo de tus diseñadores así como departamentos de revisión de materiales implicados sean eficientes tu guía de estilo debe cumplir los siguientes cuatro puntos:

  • Creada desde y para la industria farmacéutica.
  • Ajustarse a la normativa del país de aplicación o un anexo en su defecto.
  • Estar ordenada en secciones o capítulos por tipo de producto.
  • Ser un documento orgánico que sea actualizado con los cambios de dicha industria.

The Tale of Doomed Design Team

Once upon a time, there was a team of designers who were in charge of creating the packaging materials for a pharmaceutical company. The process was complicated, since there were many stakeholders: The Clan of the CMOs, the Tribe of the Printheads, The Marketing Lords and Orcs of Qualitiland. They followed the same old routine when it came to creating the artworks: they’d first create the design, then implement the text and finally submit it back to the King of Regulatory for proofreading to make sure everything was perfect.

Created with Midjourney

However, things weren’t always perfect. There was no forever happy ending. The designers often (this is an understatement, for this happened every single day of their miserable lives) found themselves having to redo their work. Not because they’d made mistakes creating the artworks….but because the text contained overlooked ghostly mistakes. They called it: The Doomed Text of Eternal Damnation. They’d always get the artwork back, after someone had spent time checking the text after they’d implemented it on the design, and sometimes they’d even have to start from scratch because the mistakes were so big. It was a huge waste of time and resources, and it was holding up the entire process. They felt desperate.

One day, the great Process Improvement King, saw the tears of the Design team and decided enough was enough. He told them they needed to make a change, so they started thinking about how they could improve their workflow. They realized that if they asked the King of Regulatory to checked the text before they even submitted it to the design team, they could avoid a lot of these mistakes and save a lot of time. So, they decided to move the text proofing from the end of the workflow to the beginning. They decided to stand for themselves, mouse and keyboard in hand, and fight for their freedom.

After a long and gruesome battle, they won. Shortly after, the results were amazing. By checking the text before it was implemented on the design, the team reduced the number of iterations needed to get the design approved. They also reduced the total time spent by the design team, which meant they could get the packaging to market faster and had more capacity to handle more jobs. They felt superpowered.

It was a simple change, but it made a huge difference. No more tears, no more late Friday submissions, no more pain. The team was so happy they’d found a solution to their problem, and they couldn’t believe they hadn’t thought of it sooner. From then on, the Regulatory Kind checked the text before submitting it to the design team, and they never had any more problems with their artworks.

A forever happy ending after all.

The end.

Oh god….another feedback round.

Image created with Midjourney

Design approvals from multiple stakeholders (regulatory, marketing, client, printer, CMO) can be a challenging and time-consuming task for artwork managers and design teams. It’s like trying to herd cats – it’s impossible, but you still have to try! In today’s heavy workloads, it’s important to streamline the design approval process and save time, reduce delays and ensure projects are completed on time and with as few rounds as possible. What are the 2 key challenges of getting approval rounds right?

Challenge 1: Managing Multiple (often too many) Feedback Loops

When working with multiple stakeholders, there’s always the risk of conflicting opinions, which can result in endless rounds of revisions and delay the project. Quality might ask to add one end of sentence dot, Regulatory wants to skip it to launch the product, Marketing is changing the color of the flap….again, while the printer realised they attached the wrong dieline. OMG moment. To overcome this, it’s important to establish clear lines of communication and a structured review process. This includes setting up regular check-ins, clear expectations and deadlines, and establishing a centralized system for feedback and revisions.

Challenge 2: Balancing Speed and Quality

Another key challenge in managing design approvals is balancing speed and quality. In order to ensure that projects are completed on time, it’s often necessary to move quickly through the design approval process. However, this can result in missed details, oversights, or incorrect approvals. On the other hand, taking too much time to review and approve can be costly or simply unacceptable. To balance speed and quality, it’s important to set realistic deadlines, involve the right people at the right time, and establish a clear and consistent review process.

Bonus Quiz: Serial or Parallel Approvals?

One key component of a proper approval process is the establishment of approval model. This is in many oranizations overlooked and underrated. Let me explain.

The Serial Approval Process

Image with Midjourney

When multiple stakeholders are required to provide feedback and approval, it is common practice to request such approval one stakeholder at a time. The argument that we typically hear is that this allows the design team to fix errors early on before the “important” stakeholders take a look. Every time we face this, it hurts. Intermediate and uncompleted feedback rounds only cause MORE WORK, not less. They also increase the risk of introducing unwanted mistakes.

The Parallel Approval Process

An alternative approach is to request feedback and approval to all stakeholders at the same time, and wait for all responses before issuing a new version. This comes with its own challenges is hardly suited for a traditional email/paper based model.

Golden Tip: Implement an Automated Approval Workflow

To improve and simplify the design approval process, it’s recommended to implement an automated approval workflow. Automated workflows can help streamline the review and approval process, reducing the time it takes to complete designs and minimizing the risk of missed details or oversights. With an automated system, all feedback and revisions are stored in one central location, allowing teams to track the status of each design in real-time. This suits the Parallel Approval Process really neatly and helps to keep the process organized, reduces the risk of conflicting feedback, and ensures everyone is on the same page. It’s like having a GPS for your design approvals – you’ll always know where you’re going and how to get there!

Managing approvals can be a complex and time-consuming process. But, with the right approach, it can be a straightforward and efficient process. By establishing clear lines of communication, balancing speed and quality, and implementing an automated approval workflow, organizations can streamline the design approval process, save time and ensure projects are completed on time and with a few iterations as possible. And, most importantly, they can have a little more peace of mind and a little less stress.

Diseño de packaging en medicamentos genéricos

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El packaging es un aspecto crucial en el diseño de productos, ya que es la primera impresión que un cliente tiene de un producto. Por esta razón, es fundamental tener un enfoque estratégico y un proceso bien estructurado para el diseño de packaging, que permita lograr un resultado profesional y atractivo para los consumidores.

En el caso de la industria farmacéutica y en particular en los productos genéricos el marketing es muy sutil porque esta regulado por la Agencia del Medicamento y el diseño se limita a ciertos colores corporativos así como logos y la fuente, nada más.

En cualquier caso hay detalles como el reconocimiento de marca que pueden generar una fidelización del consumidor final. En el mercado de los fármacos genéricos, dado que el resultado médico es el mismo, la diferencia esta en la distribución y la experiencia del usuario que puede variar cuando estudiamos el packaging y el contenido del mismo:

  • Un color terapéutico reconocible
  • La posibilidad de dividir la dosis en dos o más partes
  • El color del comprimido
  • Nombre y contenido claro en todas las caras
  • Legibilidad e instrucciones respecto a su conservación

Puntos clave para homogeneizar tus materiales

1.- Un procedimiento bien estructurado donde enumeramos los diferentes pasos a seguir. El procedimiento debe estar dividido en secciones que se centren en las diferentes partes que conforme el diseño, por ejemplo secciones de cada una de las caras o secciones de un prospecto.

El uso de procedimientos es esencial en el diseño de packaging, ya que permite a los diseñadores tener una guía clara y estructurada para lograr un resultado óptimo, ayudan a identificar y solucionar problemas antes de que se produzcan, lo que reduce el tiempo y los costes de producción.

2.- El uso de “templates” o plantillas siempre de uso común para todos los diseñadores. Los templates son una serie de directrices y estándares que se aplican a todos los diseños. Las plantillas incluyen aspectos como la ubicación de los elementos, el uso de colores, iconos, locos y tipografías, entre otros.

Ni que decir tiene que debemos tener una template para cada categoría de producto, por ejemplo, envases, aluminios, etiquetas, etc. Son recursos necesarios para la gran mayoría de productos englobados en un grupo, las excepciones no deben incluirse en dicho documento.

Midjourney image

Hay varias razones por las que tener templates es importante para el diseño de packaging:

  1. Garantiza la homogeneidad de los diseños: Las plantillas aseguran que todos los diseños sean coherentes y mantengan un estilo uniforme, lo que es esencial para crear una identidad de marca fuerte y reconocida.
  2. Evita errores: Ayudan a prevenir errores comunes en el diseño, como la elección de un tipo de letra demasiado pequeño o la ubicación incorrecta de los elementos en la etiqueta.
  3. Aumenta la eficiencia: Al tener disponibles elementos que siempre implementamos en cada uno de los diseños.

En resumen, es posible hacer un diseño sin los recursos expuestos en éste artículo, pero si tu organización tiene un amplio portafolio con grandes volúmenes y se busca la homogeneización de los productos, un procedimiento bien estructurado y el uso de templates, no solo acelerará el proceso exponencialmente sino que además reduciremos, sin eliminar completamente por desgracia, la posibilidad de desviaciones que supongan una retirada del mercado dañando nuestra imagen de marca y resultados.

¿Puedes asumir el riesgo de tener una desviación o no cumplir tu calendario de lanzamientos?

Packaging Reduction: Non Food items

Electrical goods often come with warranties and usage instructions in multiple languages. You know what I’m talking about, the multiple booklets of instructions in 10 different languages or the warranty document to complete and return by post! (remember postage stamps anyone?!), that often fall straight into the recycling bin.

But, there are valid and important reasons for having these. One, being the safety of the consumer and their new product, or information on how to put your new piece of furniture together; but also, one SKU with as many languages included as possible, means a reduction in the overall number of SKUs in production. The more languages you can include, the more countries you can sell that same product in.

So, how do you go about making these important and (sometimes) required pieces of information available while considering packaging reduction and carbon footprint for example? How to squeeze 10 languages on less paper? Do we really need to print out 5 different warranty cards?

  1. A picture is worth 1000 words: Pictures are a universal language and can help convey information without the need for words. This is particularly useful for showing how to use a product or for highlighting specific parts of the product. For example, IKEA provides assembly instructions for their furniture with clear and concise illustrations and no words.
  2. Words: Words are necessary for more detailed instructions and for legal information such as warranties and safety warnings. They also allow for specific language nuances and cultural references that may not be conveyed through pictures alone. Samsung provides detailed instructions in multiple languages for their products, including safety warnings, to ensure that customers fully understand the products they purchase.
  3. Pictures: Using pictures can make the information easier to understand and remember, especially for customers who are not fluent in the language in which the instructions are written. It also saves space, making it easier to include multiple languages in the single document. Apple Inc. uses pictures and diagrams to explain the functions of their products in multiple languages, making the same information accessible to a wide range of customers.
  4. Environmental Impact: Printing documents in multiple languages can have a significant environmental impact, particularly if they are rarely read and often thrown away. Consider providing instructions and warranties in electronic format (online) where possible, to reduce waste. This aligns with companies’ efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and meet overall packaging reduction targets. For instance, Tesla provides electronic versions of their warranties and usage instructions, reducing the amount of paper waste generated by their products.

In conclusion, handling multiple languages in FMCG warranties and usage instructions requires careful consideration of the most effective way to convey information. A combination of pictures and words can be an effective solution, while also reducing the environmental impact of printing (less paper required) or by providing electronic versions where possible. This supports companies’ efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and meet overall packaging reduction targets.

What are you doing to reduce the amount of packaging and unread booklets in your product?

The nightmare of technical specs

Image created with Midjourney

Working in the pharmaceutical industry, the creation of packaging designs can be a challenging and complex process, especially when dealing with multiple Contract Manufacturing Organizations (CMOs) and Printing companies. There are many factors that can impact the design, including regulatory requirements, branding, marketing, and of course, technical considerations. One of the biggest challenges that packaging designers face when working with multiple printing stakeholders (weather it is a CMO or a printer directly) is the varying technical requirements. Different companies have different machinery and different Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (sometimes they don’t even have SOPs).

Oh man…this is hard.

The first challenge related to working with multiple printers is the differences in print and packing capabilities. Each printer may have different printing processes and equipment that they use. For example, one printer may use a rotogravure printing process while another may use flexographic printing. This can result in differences in color accuracy, registration, and overall quality of the final print. Additionally, some printers may not be able to accommodate certain design elements, such as holographic foils or raised printing, which can impact the design and the overall look of the packaging. Additionally, and more specifically for the packaging industry, the printed materials are going to be the input of a packing machine which is going to fold, fill, glue and whatnot in an automated machine. This process is critical since failure can have a high cost impact. Most “reasonable” printing companies and CMOs provide technical specifications to their design agencies (or their clients) so the design materials can be created to specs.

The second challenge is the complex technical documentation that designers must understand in order to create compliant designs. Technical documentation often includes specifications on dielines, varnish free areas, margins, folding lines, visual marks used for automated packing and many more. Understanding these guidelines and ensuring that the design meets them can be a time-consuming and confusing process, particularly for designers who are not familiar with the specific requirements of each printer and considering some of these technical specification documents can be 40 page long. If you are dealing with 10 suppliers, times 40 is a 400 page documentation. That is not easy to manage. This can result in mistakes and miscommunications between the design team and the printer, which can ultimately impact the time to market.

What can we do to fix this?

There are ways to improve the process when technical specification documentation is complex and there are many different suppliers:

  1. Write and maintain proper design manuals specifically for each printer/CMO. This will help ensure that the design team has all of the information they need to create designs that are compatible with each printer’s technical requirements. This can also help avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications between the design team and the printer. Additionally, it will be required should you have to face a customer audit.
  2. Perform training of the design team on all technical requirements. This will help ensure that the design team is aware of the specific requirements of each printer and can create designs that are compatible with those requirements. Furthermore, it will help designers find and interpret information faster and accurately.
  3. Allow a direct line of communication with the printer instead of via the client. A direct line of communication can help avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications that may occur when the design team is communicating through the client. Let the technical people speak to technical people directly, otherwise you will face the broken phone syndrome.

The creation of packaging designs can be challenging, especially when working with multiple CMOs and printers. The varying technical requirements of each printer and the long and complex technical documentation can be a pain in the arse to deal with and a high risk factor. But don’t despair, by following these three tips – writing and maintaining proper design manuals, performing training on technical requirements, and allowing a direct line of communication with the printer – designers can improve the process and ensure that the final product meets all of the necessary requirements.