Seamless Connectivity: Elevating Packaging Design Efficiency through API Integration

Image: Joshua-sortino-LqKhnDzSF-8-unsplash

If you work in packaging design, you will be familiar with the fact that efficiency is not just a preference—it’s a competitive necessity. As design processes become more complex, you will experience a growing need for seamless connectivity with other systems. This is where the transformative power of API integration enters into the picture, as it elevates packaging design efficiency to new heights.

The Imperative of Connectivity in Packaging Design

The complexity of modern packaging design involves collaboration among diverse stakeholders, integration with workflow systems, and adherence to compliance standards. The traditional siloed approach falls short in meeting the demands of today’s fast-paced design environment. This is where API integration shows up to the party, as technological bridge that connects various components of the design process and enhances overall efficiency.

Understanding API Integration in Packaging Design

1. What is API Integration?

API (Application Programming Interface) integration is the connection between different software applications in a transparent manner. It allows these systems to communicate, share data, and work cohesively without manual intervention.

2. The Role of API in Packaging Design

In the context of packaging design, API integration enables the Artwork Management system to connect with other crucial components of the design workflow. This includes collaboration tools, project management systems, and even external databases.

3. Elevating Efficiency

Why does it become such an important tool? API integration eliminates manual data transfers and the need for multiple platforms. It ensures that data flows effortlessly between systems, reducing the risk of errors and accelerating the design process.

The Impact of API Integration on Packaging Design Efficiency

1. Streamlined Workflow

API integration streamlines the entire design workflow. From initial concept to final approval, the interconnected systems ensure a smooth progression without unnecessary delays.

2. Real-Time Collaboration

Collaborative tools integrated through APIs facilitate real-time communication and feedback. Stakeholders can seamlessly collaborate, providing instant feedback without the need for constant updates or meetings.

3. Version Control Mastery

API integration ensures that version control is centralized and synchronized across all connected systems. This eliminates version conflicts and ensures that all stakeholders are working with the latest design iteration.

4. Compliance Assurance

In industries with strict regulatory requirements, API integration helps in maintaining compliance. Data can be automatically validated and synced with external compliance databases, reducing the risk of errors.

Implementing API Integration in Packaging Design

Ok, I am sold! What do I need to do to get API Integration in place? – you may wonder.

1. Identify Integration Points

Identify key areas in your design workflow where integration with external systems can enhance efficiency. This might include collaboration tools, project management platforms, or databases containing regulatory information.

2. Choose the Right API

Select APIs that align with the needs of your design process. Ensure that they offer the necessary functionalities and are scalable to accommodate future changes in your workflow.

3. Seamless Integration

Work with your IT and design teams to ensure a seamless integration process. Testing and refining the integration are essential to guarantee a smooth workflow.

So, connect, integrate, and witness how the power of API elevates your packaging design efficiency to unprecedented levels.

Mastering Packaging Version Control through Artwork Management

version control
Version management in Twona AMS

Precision and consistency are essential for a good packaging design, which makes version control keystone in the creative process. Any misstep in managing design versions can lead to costly errors, delays, and even brand integrity issues. Artwork Management plays a critical role in mastering packaging version control, even if most of the times, this role is seen as a silent hero as it is rather transparents for users of these systems.

The Challenge of Packaging Version Control

Design projects, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, retail, and food production, often involve numerous stakeholders contributing feedback, revisions, and updates. The result? A myriad of design versions that need to be tracked, compared, and managed efficiently. Failure in version control can result in:

  • Inconsistencies: Different versions may introduce inconsistencies in branding, messaging, or design elements.
  • Delays and Revisions: Unclear version control often leads to delays as teams struggle to identify the latest approved version.
  • Quality Issues: Printing or production errors may occur if the wrong version makes it to the final stages.

Artwork Management’s Crucial Role

Artwork Management systems provide a structured and organized approach to the complex process of design iteration. Here’s how:

1. Centralized Repository:

Artwork Management systems serve as a centralized hub for all design versions. Every iteration, feedback, or change is documented and stored in an organized manner, eliminating the chaos of scattered files.

2. Version Tracking:

The ability to track changes across design versions is fundamental. Artwork Management systems meticulously record modifications, allowing teams to trace the evolution of a design from inception to approval.

3. Collaboration without Confusion:

In collaborative design processes, multiple individuals may be working on different aspects simultaneously. Artwork Management systems facilitate collaboration without the risk of conflicting versions, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

4. Seamless Approval Processes:

Efficient version control streamlines the approval process. Stakeholders can review and approve the latest version without ambiguity, reducing bottlenecks and speeding up the journey from design to production.

Realizing the Benefits: From Efficiency to Compliance

1. Enhanced Efficiency:

Efficient version control translates to faster approval cycles, reduced back-and-forth, and a more streamlined design process. This efficiency is invaluable in industries where time-to-market is a critical factor.

2. Error Reduction:

By providing a clear history of design changes, Artwork Management systems significantly reduce the likelihood of errors making it into the final production stage. This ensures a higher level of quality and consistency in the end product.

3. Compliance Assurance:

Certain industries, such as pharmaceuticals, require stringent compliance with regulations. Artwork Management systems provide the necessary documentation and audit trails, ensuring that the design process aligns with regulatory standards.

Integration with Workflow: A Synergistic Approach

Artwork Management’s role in version control becomes even more potent when seamlessly integrated with a workflow management tool. This synergy ensures that version control is not a standalone process but an integral part of the broader design and approval workflow.

If you also want to embrace the advantages of Artwork Management in your packaging design process, and witness how mastering version control becomes the cornerstone of a successful and precise creative journey, do not hesitate to check Twona AMS, which integrates artwork management, workflow management, version control and approvals under one single roof.

The Power of Comparison: Elevating Packaging Proofing to Precision

Packaging comparison tool

Before a packaging design goes to print, it undergoes a series of reviews and approvals. This meticulous process aims to catch any errors, inconsistencies, or deviations from the brand guidelines. The consequences of overlooking inaccuracies in packaging can be severe, ranging from costly reprints to damage to brand reputation due to misleading or incorrect information.

Why are comparison tools indispensable for such a task?

Comparison tools provide a side-by-side analysis of different design versions. This visual consistency check is crucial for ensuring that all elements align with the brand’s visual identity and standards.

In packaging, textual errors can be disastrous. Comparison tools not only highlight changes in graphics but also allow for a detailed proofing of textual content, ensuring that every word is accurate and compliant.

Furthermore, and specially in collaborative environments, different stakeholders may suggest changes to a design. Comparison tools aid in version control, allowing designers and approvers to track modifications and verify that the correct version is being approved.

How do Comparison Tools Enhance Accuracy in Packaging Proofing?

  1. Detecting difficult to see variations: Packaging designs often involve intricate details. Comparison tools can zoom in on specific areas, making it easier to detect even the smallest changes in text, images, or color.
  2. Streamlining Collaboration: In a collaborative design process, multiple individuals may provide feedback. Comparison tools streamline this feedback process, enabling efficient collaboration by highlighting exactly where changes have occurred.
  3. Reducing Human Error: Human proofreaders may inadvertently miss changes or introduce errors. Comparison tools eliminate the risk of oversight, providing a systematic and objective approach to proofing.

Martiderm, a Spanish cosmetics company with presence in 45 countries, use Twona X-RAY to review files and compare them against earlier versions to make sure all
changes have been made.
For them, using this comparison tool has proven really useful in working with their external print suppliers, as they have been able stop errors introduced in the designs before they are printed on the boxes and leaflets of their products, saving potential product recalls or reprints of materials to fix the issues.

read more

Embracing Precision: Integrating Comparison Tools Into Your Workflow

If you aim for an improvement of your artwork management process, using a comparison/proofing tool is a good start, as it gives your team a quality tool to improve accuracy. However, it may be interesting to consider a proper evaluation of tools and their capabilities, offerings, and whether going for a tool that also will help you improve your complete workflow may be an more interesting choice.

Selecting the Right Tools: Explore the available comparison tools in the market and choose one that aligns with your specific packaging design needs. If you are interested in ours, check our website or contact us for a demo.

Integration with Workflow Management Systems: To maximize efficiency, consider how these comparison tools integrate seamlessly with your existing workflow management system. This integration ensures a cohesive design and approval process. Our comparison tool is offered as a stand alone solution (X-RAY) but also as part of our Artwork management tool (Twona AMS).

Training and Adoption: Properly train your team on the use of comparison tools, emphasizing their importance in achieving accurate and error-free packaging proofing. We offer ad-hoc training for our comparison tool to your team, using our template files or your own files if you wish to.

Accuracy of your packaging design is non-negotiable. Comparison tools help you elevate packaging proofing to a level of precision that safeguards your brand, reduces costly errors, and ensures that the final product hitting the shelves is a true representation of your vision. So, what are you waiting for?

Empowering Mid-Size Companies: Harnessing the Power of Artwork Management Solutions

Photo by Magic Mind on Unsplash

One size does not always fit all. While large corporations often have the means to invest in high-end Artwork Management Solutions (AMS), mid-size companies face a unique challenge. They need to find a middle ground between limited budgets and the demand for efficient, compliant processes.

Thankfully, this is not a problem without a solution as there is not only large scale AMS solutions in the market today but also those that cater to the needs of mid-size enterprises.

Navigating Mid-Size Challenges

Mid-size companies encounter a distinct dilemma: how to achieve streamlined packaging design processes without exceeding their financial capacities, and still complying with regulations for quality, control, and even validation. Unlike industry giants, these businesses require a solution that is both powerful and cost-effective, yet equally adept at ensuring quality and compliance.

Harnessing Innovative Solutions

What are the main benefits that solutions such as Twona for mid-size companies offer?

1. Affordability: Mid-size solutions are designed to be budget-friendly without compromising on performance. This enables mid-size companies to optimize operations without straining their financial resources.

2. Scalability: As mid-size companies evolve, their solutions must evolve too. AMS solutions can adapt to new challenges as businesses expand and diversify.

3. Flexibility: Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, you will find that it is possible to match the unique workflow of your business, ideal for mid-size companies with distinct processes.

4. Compliance Alignment: Even though you’re not a corporate giant, regulations are still pertinent. You should still be able to meet industry standards and compliance requirements, safeguarding your business against costly setbacks.

Realizing Efficiency: The Power in Practice

The benefits of adopting an AMS solution for mid-range companies extend well beyond the fiscal aspect:

1. Time Efficiency: With AMS solutions fine-tuned to your workflow, tasks become streamlined and automated, drastically reducing the time needed for design approvals and collaboration.

2. Error Reduction: Automated workflows and version control mechanisms significantly diminish the risk of errors, ensuring accurate designs are approved for production without unnecessary delays.

3. Collaborative Seamlessness: encompass collaboration features that enable teams to work harmoniously, regardless of geographical separation.

4. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive arena that values efficiency and adaptability, mid-size companies equipped with an AMS can stand tall alongside industry giants.

Embrace the Opportunity: Unleash the Power of an AMS Solution

If you’re a mid-size company aiming to gain a competitive edge in the packaging sphere, don’t underestimate the use of a powerful AMS. Embrace a solution designed to match your ambitions, enhance your efficiency, and usher in a new era of accomplishment, all while keeping your financial landscape in focus. In a world of dynamic solutions, your business deserves nothing less.

Check out our AMS solution and how it can fit your company.

Forget Email Attachments: Modernizing Packaging Approval with Digital Solutions

Photo by Brian J. Tromp on Unsplash

Picture this scenario: endless email threads, multiple attachments in several emails as the size limit is reached, wrong attachments sent, lots of back-and-forth to explain that the attachment was wrong and here is the correct one, version confusion… If this is your day-to-day, you can see how it is a recipe for delays, miscommunication, and even the occasional oversight that can have far-reaching consequences.

Thankfully, you can stop that chain of inefficiency and elevate packaging approval processes to new heights of effectiveness—using digital solutions that go beyond the limitations of email attachments.


The Drawbacks of Using Email for Approvals

While­ email has earned its place­ for business communication, it proves ine­fficient when managing esse­ntial tasks such as approving packaging designs due to seve­ral shortcomings:

1. Disconnected Communication: Kee­ping track of context and accurately recording change­s can be tough due to the scatte­red nature of email thre­ads.

2. Confusion with version management: The­ presence of multiple­ attachments with nearly identical name­s could breed misunderstanding, chie­fly when various editions are be­ing scrutinized at the same time­.

3. Sluggish replies: Overfille­d inboxes or a surge of incoming emails may re­sult in important messages being misse­d, leading to holdups in the approval process.

4. Ambiguous Re­sponsibility: Figuring out who has examined or gree­nlit a design at any moment proves difficult, re­ndering accountability a fizzy concept.

The Digital Leap: What Modern Approvals Demand

Fortunately, there are digital solutions that tackle the challenges of packaging approvals. These solutions offer a range of features that revolutionize the approval process:

1. Collaborative Workspace: Imagine a virtual space where stakeholders can congregate, review designs, provide feedback, and hold discussions—all within a single, organized platform.

2. Version Tracking: A digital system maintains a comprehensive history of design versions, enabling easy comparison and minimizing errors caused by outdated versions.

3. Transparent Approval Paths: Digital solutions allow you to define and visualize approval paths clearly, ensuring designs navigate through the correct channels without bottlenecks.

4. Automated Reminders: Say goodbye to chasing approvals. Automated notifications ensure that reviewers are prompted at the right time, reducing approval cycle times. You can also choose to send manual reminders.

5. Accountability and Audit Trails: Each action is recorded, creating an audit trail that clarifies who did what, when, and why—an essential feature for compliance-driven industries.

The Transformative Impact: Efficiency and Precision Redefined

Do you need to hear about the advantages of using such a digital solution ?

1. Streamlined Workflows: With collaborative workspaces, design reviews become intuitive and streamlined, eliminating the confusion associated with email chains.

2. Rapid Turnaround: Design approvals take less time, enhancing your ability to bring products to market swiftly and seize new opportunities.

3. Improved Accuracy: Version control hiccups and miscommunications become a thing of the past, reducing the chances of errors slipping through the cracks.

4. Compliance : Industries subject to regulations can breathe easier knowing that an accountable, traceable process is in place.


So, are you ready to leave the era of email attachments behind and embark on a journey towards efficient, compliant, and precise packaging approvals?

If you are, please give a try to our approvals solution and then, contact us to help you implement it for your team.

How user friendly is your packaging?

Consumers value convenience when deciding what products to use. Or more importantly,
“Consumers might not always be aware of the importance of convenience in their behavior until it is absent. “

Importance of Convenience in Consumer Behavior (

I don’t know about you, but I recently left a beautiful and perfect size lunch-box on the shelf because I struggled to open it when I tried to see the inside. And I hate it when opening a product outer packaging becomes a fight between me and the cardboard or plastic around it, but love the easiness of a little pull-me tab to tear the top so my purchase magically appears.

What are some elements that make product packaging user-friendly for me?

Easy-to-Open Designs

As mentioned, being able to open the packaging without it becoming a fight or having to read thru confusing instrutions, makes the whole world when you first are presented with a product. That creates a positive first impression and contributes to overall customer satisfaction.

Unboxing videos would not be so popular would you be seeing someone tear down cardboard and dangling with scissors to break into the purchased goods. Packaging that guarantees a quick access, an organized product structure, and is not too fragile to damage by mistake is crucial for customer retention and brand loyalty.

This is not always simple, specially when it comes to fragile goods that could damage during transportation, as even if the immediate product packaging may be friendly, the outer package could be a total nightmare. Therefore, manufacturers must consider the strength and integrity of the packaging to prevent accidental opening during transportation and storage while ensuring that end-users can open it effortlessly, which proves to be difficult to achieve sometimes.

Image: Thujey Ngetup , Unsplash

Some elements that you may consider to make your packaging easy to open are:

  • Tear strips and perforations
  • Pull tabs or finger lifts
  • Textured or embossed easy-grip features
  • Easy-to-peel seals, such as peel-off stickers or tape
  • Push-button releases

Resealable packaging

Packaging that cannot be resealed often means that consumers need to use other materials to reseal your product, or need to use a different container for it once opened, which defeats all your branding efforts.

Some products require to be re-sealed after each use, to preserve freshness or to prevent spills like personal care items, pet supplies, and household cleaners. Following in the convenience clause, your clients would appreciate being able to reseal the package without having to transfer the contents into additional containers.

Incorporate resealable closures, such as zippers, snaps, adhesive or magnetic strips; This allows users to open and close the packaging multiple times without compromising its integrity!

But this is easier said than done, as effective resealable packaging requires careful material selection and design considerations to maintain the integrity of the seal and prevent leakage, which also goes hand in hand with regulations about product safety or that increase the risk of tampering.

dirty re-seal adhesive

Additionally, manufacturers must conduct rigorous testing to ensure the resealing mechanism functions as intended throughout the product’s lifespan – this is not always the case when the re-seal gets in contact with “the elements” around it.

This often means that good resealing options come with a cost, and this is why they are not used YET on so many of the daily need products, but we start to see these in luxury or non-essential products. The trend is there, and as long as research continues and there is investigation into new ways of resealing products, and maybe some regulations come in to place, we will see these spread to essential products in due time.


Ergonomics play a crucial role in user-friendly packaging, especially for products that consumers handle regularly or for extended periods. For example, in personal care products or household tools, ergonomic packaging reduces strain on users’ hands and provides a comfortable grip, enhancing the overall user experience. This is why ergonomic packaging will not only enhances the user experience but also demonstrates a brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction and well-being, making it a reason for staying loyal to a brand or product.

Manufacturers must carefully assess the target audience’s needs and preferences when designing ergonomic packaging. Conducting user testing and incorporating feedback during the design process can lead to packaging that aligns with consumers’ physical requirements and enhances usability.

Some ideas of ergonomic packaging that you can incorporate into your packaging

  • Soft-touch surfaces or materials, that enhance the tactile experience, and making the product comfortable to handle.
  • Curved edges and corners that make the packaging safer to handle.
  • Grip indentations that help handle the packaging securely and comfortably
  • Packaging that can be opened, closed, or dispensed with just one hand
  • Include handles into your packaging for easier handling and weight distribution

What are some innovations that you are carrying into your packaging design to make sure that it ticks all the boxes for convenience for your target group? How are you incorporating feedback from them into your design efforts? And finally, how are you making sure that the packaging meets all the regulations and brand requirements when it comes to these user-friendly elements?

Zuriñe García

Transparency in packaging

If you are following packaging trends this year, one that stood out to me was the use of transparent packaging. With all the information that normally comes together on a product packaging, I feel that using a transparent one can be a big challenge for brands. However, I can see how using it also has a few advantages, which may outgrow the difficulties when it comes to sales and brand adherence.

Why would you should consider using transparent packaging, you ask? I bring you a few ideas on why this may be important for your product:

design award pasta
  • Having a clear packaging allows customers to “peek” into the product before purchasing, so they are able to better identify product ingredients, colors, texture, format… which can help verify that it meets their expectations and guide their buying decision. What you see is then what you get, there is no room for interpretation.
  • A transparent packaging transforms the product itself in a visual element of the packaging design. For the beauty and cosmetics markets, where the product is often visually appealing, creating an idea of luxury, having transparent packaging can help drive more attention on to the shelves. But other industries have jumped to this wagon lately and food brands have for instance. also been more creative in how they were showing their product inside the packaging, making it stand out in a fun way. See example of Pasta Nikita.
  • Transparency can create a sense of honesty and openness between the brand and the customer, building up trust in the brand. It gives an idea to the buyer that there is nothing to hide and that your brand believes so much in their product they are showing it to you “naked” from other elements that will distract you from the product itself.
  • If you are looking at making your product look and feel premium or high-end, transparent packaging is a way to go, as it often gives products a sleek and modern appearance. This can communicate quality and sophistication, which can translate into your ideal customer base and your product price tag.

As mentioned, brands will still need to make sure that they fit all required information into their (transparent) packaging. Here are some ideas on how to make this work:

  1. Use labels in a strategic way, place them where they don’t obstruct the view of the product such as the side or bottom of your packaging, or use smaller labels (using expansible ones).
  2. Print onto the packaging: using screen printing or an inkjet printer that can print directly onto plastic or other materials you can include the information directly into the packaging with color contrast.
  3. What about clear stickers or holograms? These can be attached over the packaging to provide the necessary regulatory details without obstructing the view of the product. This approach can be effective for adding required information, such as product expiration dates or manufacturing details that may be necessary to add at the end point of the printing process, and do not need to have a beautiful design, but be practical.
  4. Use QR Codes to bring customers to less relevant information. Using QR Codes is one of the Smart packaging initiatives that many companies have started using. With limited space, and lots to tell, technology can be your friend and a simple click can bring you to a wealth of information about the product. Think of adding details about the ingredients, giving ideas on recipes to combine with the product, or including information on a contest. Rather than cramping your package with all this, you can easily refer to it on a QR code and direct people to your website.
  5. Use packaging inserts: if online seems a little bit too fancy or your target audience is not that tech savvy, there is always the option for old fashioned paper inserts. Usage instructions, warnings, ingredients, an upcoming event, or a contest… all can be advertised through an insert included inside of the packaging or attached to the outer side of the packaging, as long as it does not obstruct the actual product view.
  6. Use textured packaging: with embossing or debossing on your packaging you will be able to add a texture to it, making it a product customers will want to touch and hold. It is unusual, and it brings an extra sense into the product experience, touch.

There are probably more ideas on how to make a transparent packaging work and still make sure you follow the regulations and include all mandatory information, without losing quality and attractiveness on your product. If you are using something else than the suggestions above, will you let me know? I am really interested in learning more on how to make a product stand out without cluttering the packaging and making your brand show transparency and trustworthiness through it. You can also share examples of transparent packaging that are working out for you/other brands you admire, or that simply made you laugh.

If you are interested in the topic and want to read more about “How seeing products on, or through, the packaging influences consumer perceptions and purchase behavior” take a look at the Oxford published paper here. Enjoy!

Striking the Right Balance: Key Aspects of Designing SOPs for Pharmaceutical Packaging


Designing packaging materials for pharmaceutical brands can be a meticulous and complex process. As a designer working for a studio that works exclusively with pharma, my work primarily involves implementing a strict set of rules on various packaging materials that will be commercialized across different markets. To keep everything in check, in my team we write SOPs tailored to each customer. In this article, I’ll discuss the key aspects we consider when writing those SOPs and comment on the balance between effectiveness and completeness.

Clarity and Simplicity

The first aspect to consider when writing a design SOP is clarity and simplicity. The document should be easy to understand and follow for all team members, regardless of their expertise or experience. If a Junior designer cannot follow the document, then it does not fulfils its purpose. This can be achieved by using clear language, avoiding jargon, and providing visual examples when necessary. An image might be worth a thousand words. An effective SOP should prioritize essential information and avoid excessive detail to ensure that it remains concise and focused. If complex details are needed, you can always reference a more complex or complete document such as complete brand design guideline.

Compliance with Brand Guidelines and Regulatory Requirements

Pharmaceutical packaging must adhere to both the company’s brand guidelines and the regulatory requirements of the target market. It also needs to comply with all technical specifications from the manufacturing entity. A design SOP should provide clear instructions on how to maintain consistency with the company’s visual identity and fulfill the necessary legal obligations. This includes guidelines on colors, fonts, logos, and layout, as well as any specific labeling requirements mandated by law. And these change per country! Templates are in this case VERY useful.

Adaptability for Different Formats and Materials

We deal with packaging in various formats and materials, such as boxes, bottles, and blister packs. An effective design SOP should account for these variations and provide guidance on how to adapt designs accordingly. If you ever faced implementing a tini tiny label, then you know what it’s like. This may involve including modular design elements that can be easily rearranged or resized to fit different formats. Again, templates are your friend.

Revision and Update Process

Finally, a design SOP should include a clear process for revising and updating the document. This is crucial to ensure that the SOP remains relevant and up-to-date with any changes in brand guidelines, regulatory requirements, or industry best practices. This is particularly critical if your studio is ISO compliant. It is as important to make the right changes as to track who made those changes and why.

Striking the Right Balance

An effective and useful design SOP should provide enough information and guidance to ensure that all team members can create consistent, compliant, and technically correct packaging materials. However, it’s essential to strike the right balance between providing necessary details and overwhelming the reader with excessive information. An over-complete SOP may lead to confusion, inconsistencies, and a slower design process. By focusing on the key aspects outlined above, you can create an SOP that is both comprehensive and efficient, ensuring that your pharmaceutical packaging designs meet the highest standards.

If you are unsure as to what is the right level of detail, use an Agile process. Write a draft, let your team use it, get feedback and refine the document iteratively.

Your Studio Partner

Do you feel stuck with your current design process? Reach out to our studio and let us give you a hand. We can help you implement artworks or improve your studio processes.

Your Studio Partner

What in the world is AMS?

Airport codes in illustration by SailHo Studio

AMS is not only the Airport code for the city Twona is based in, but also used as an abbreviation for an Artwork Management System. This is a software solution designed to streamline the creation, approval, and distribution of creative assets such as packaging elements, leaflets, labels, and other marketing materials.

The goal of an AMS is to simplify and automate the often complex and time-consuming process of artwork creation and management, thereby reducing errors, saving time, and improving overall efficiency.

It also means that all data related to your artwork is stored in one place; no more versions saved on local drives claiming to be the most recent and sent around stakeholders in error, conversations and discussions in one repository ensuring transparency for all stakeholders involved and don’t forget traceability of who did what when. 

There are many benefits to introducing an AMS into a company that produces any type of packaging, labels or marketing leaflets. Here are a few of the most important:

  1. Centralised storage and organisation: An AMS provides a centralised location for storing and organising all creative assets. This makes it easier for teams to find the assets they need, and also reduces the risk of assets becoming lost or misfiled.
  2. Improved collaboration: An AMS makes it easier for teams to collaborate on the creation and approval of creative assets. With an AMS, teams can easily share feedback and revisions, reducing the need for multiple rounds of revision and improving the speed at which projects can be completed.
  3. Better control and visibility: An AMS provides a centralised location for tracking and monitoring the progress of artwork projects. This makes it easier for managers to see which projects are on track, which are running behind schedule, and which need additional attention.
  4. Enhanced brand consistency: An AMS helps to ensure that all creative assets are consistent with a company’s brand guidelines. This helps to maintain a consistent look and feel across all marketing materials, improving brand recognition and credibility.
  5. Increased efficiency: An AMS automates many of the manual processes involved in the creation and management of creative assets. This saves time, reduces errors, and improves overall efficiency.
  6. Compliance and regulatory support: Some AMS can help companies comply with regulations and standards by automatically checking that all creative assets meet the required guidelines. This helps to avoid costly mistakes and ensures that all materials are compliant with industry regulations.
  7. Streamlined approval processes: An AMS can help to streamline the approval process for creative assets by automating many of the manual steps involved. This reduces the time required for approval and makes it easier for teams to keep track of the status of each project.

If you are thinking that your company would benefit from an AMS, there is no harm in reaching out and talking to a few. We here at Twona would be more than happy to help you make the decision to invest in an AMS or not. We are also honest and will let you know if Twona is or isn’t right for your needs. So, get in touch today and let’s start the conversation.

Streamlining Proofreading: Tips and Tools for Artwork Specialists and Designers

Proofreading is a critical step in the packaging and labeling process, ensuring that the final output is accurate, compliant, and visually appealing. With the complexity of modern packaging and the need for precision, specially in the pharma and food industries, streamlining the proofreading process is essential. Below you can find some tips and tools to help improve your proofreading process, with a focus on the benefits of using Twona X-RAY as a powerful proofing solution (which also has a free version).

3 Golden Tips for Streamlining Proofreading

  1. Develop a systematic approach: Establish a consistent proofreading process that includes a checklist of items to review, such as text content, layout, color, and other visual elements. Write an SOP for your specific artwork types. Identify the technical specs of your designs (outlined, open, images, number of columns) and define the right approach for your artworks to ensure a smooth proofreading experience.
  2. Collaborate effectively: Work closely with your team to ensure everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of those SOPs and has had proper training.
  3. Leverage technology: Do not check artwork changes “by eye”. Use a (preferably web based) tool to check your artworks and compare PDF to PDF, PDF to Word, PDF to Photo and more.

Twona X-RAY: A Powerful Proofing Solution for Artwork Specialists and Designers

Twona X-RAY is a modern SaaS proofing solution designed for highly regulated verticals (like pharma, food, retail and printing) to help artwork specialists, designers, regulatory affair specialists and quality assurance managers streamline their proofreading process. The software offers several key advantages that make it an ideal choice for packaging and labeling in highly regulated markets:

SaaS Web-Based System

As a SaaS web-based system, Twona X-RAY allows users to access the platform from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a convenient and flexible solution for remote teams and professionals on the go (yes, it also works on your phone and tablet). The cloud-based system also ensures that updates and improvements are automatically applied, keeping your proofing tools at the forefront of industry standards.

Computer Vision Technology

Twona X-RAY leverages advanced computer vision technology to align photos and master files, ensuring that all visual elements are accurately compared during the proofreading process. This innovative feature not only reduces manual work but also minimizes the risk of errors or discrepancies. It has been design with a few key use cases in mind:

  • Print proof checking: take a picture with your phone of that freshly printed proof and compare it on the spot with your master file before you give the go ahead with thousands of prints. The computer vision algorithm will perform a deep analysis to transform your photo and match it against your master design file.
  • Keyline alignment: automatically align an empty keyline with a completed design to check that the right keyline has been used.
  • Automatic alignment: when your provider rotates, changes or scales your design to match the printing machine, X-RAY will automatically align your files so you can easily compare them.

Text Comparison and Visual Graphic Comparison

The software offers robust text comparison and visual graphic comparison capabilities, allowing users to quickly and easily identify any differences between the original design and the final output. This ensures that all text and graphic elements are reviewed thoroughly, resulting in a higher level of accuracy and compliance. X-RAY can also extract text using OCR to allow you to check even the most difficult jobs.

Validated and Full Traceability

Twona X-RAY is a validated solution, ensuring that it meets the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical, food, and retail industries. The software also provides full traceability, maintaining a complete record of all proofreading activities, including changes made, user information, and timestamps. This level of transparency and accountability is invaluable for organizations seeking to maintain compliance with industry regulations.

Ready to try it yourself?